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Past Event

December 25

Monday, December 25, 2023 11am–3 pm

Holiday cards from the collection of Rabbi Stanley Rabinowitz. Designed by Roth Cards, 1964. Capital Jewish Museum Collection. Gift of Sharon Chard-Yaron.


  • Capital Jewish Museum
    575 3rd Street, NW, Washington, DC



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We’re Open for the Holiday Weekend

Visit and explore the stories of Jewish life in the national capital region through our collections and two ongoing exhibitions — What is Jewish Washington? and Connect. Reflect. Act.

Stop by the Welcome Desk and pick up our scavenger hunt handout for a self-guided tour of the exhibitions. Then drop into the Community Action Lab* and enjoy activities for all ages, including coloring, reading, and more.

* The Community Action Lab will be unavailable on 12/25 from 12–1 pm.

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