Drop-In Program
Past Event
Sunday, August 11, 2024 1–3 pm
A drop-in game every Sunday afternoon at the Museum.
You do not need to be a member of the Museum to participate. On entry to the building, inform the front desk staff that you are there to play mah jongg and you will be directed to the game.
All skill levels are encouraged to participate.
Lessons for new and returning players are available after game play ends at 3:00. A $20 donation for the lesson is requested to offset the cost of bringing in a Mah Jongg instructor.
Games begin at 1:00.
Game play ends around 3:00.
Game play is free.
If you own a mah jongg set, we encourage you to bring it – and please bring your NMJL card if you have one.
Photographs taken by Museum staff during the program may be used for educational and promotional purposes in print and online publications. Attendance at the event implies your consent.
Mah Jongg in the Museum, Fall 2024
Drop-In Program
Janice Eichhorn (right) standing in front of the Capitol with Ceci Matthews (left), 1968. Eichhorn worked in the office of Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin. Matthews was a member of the Democratic Central Committee as well as a Capitol Hill worker. Lillian and Albert Small Capital Jewish Museum. Collection.
Drop-In Program