Drop-In Program
Past Event
August 23–26, 2023
Protest sign (detail) used by Reiter family at Women’s March, 2017. Capital Jewish Museum Collection, Gift of Toby Reiter.
Participating in the 60th Anniversary of the March on Washington on August 26th?
Drop into our Community Action Lab where you will find everything you need from materials to inspiration to make your sign.
FREE | Materials Provided
Support for this program is provided in part by the Morse-Loeb Fund.
Mah Jongg in the Museum, Fall 2024
Drop-In Program
Janice Eichhorn (right) standing in front of the Capitol with Ceci Matthews (left), 1968. Eichhorn worked in the office of Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin. Matthews was a member of the Democratic Central Committee as well as a Capitol Hill worker. Lillian and Albert Small Capital Jewish Museum. Collection.
Drop-In Program