Public Program
Past Event
Thursday, September 23, 2021 6:30pm–8 pm
Watch: Welcoming the Stranger Sukkah City x DC – YouTube
Hear from the notable architects behind Sukkah City x DC, a creative public art installation that celebrates Sukkot, presented by the Capital Jewish Museum, National Building Museum, and Edlavitch DCJCC. Learn about their inspiration and design process, and how the built environment can impact and inspire a community to reconsider who is welcome. Free. Virtual. Registration required.
Register and Be Rewarded
Register for programs and be automatically entered into a drawing for museum swag and four complimentary club tickets for Washington Nationals vs Boston Red Sox on Sunday, October 3 (parking pass included!).
Image: a complete unkown, Thank U, Nest (detail), 2021. Copyright a complete unknown