The Whole Spiel
A Fishy Story
After two years of Zoom Passover, it was a delight to gather—after double-boosting and rapid-testing—for a family Seder (traditional ceremonial… (Read more)
Detail of Sally Walzer's letter with recipe to her daughter, c. 1974. Photo courtesy of the Leavitt family.
The Whole Spiel
After two years of Zoom Passover, it was a delight to gather—after double-boosting and rapid-testing—for a family Seder (traditional ceremonial… (Read more)
The Whole Spiel
Ukraine, where my family lived for generations and where most of them were murdered, is in its fight for survival…. (Read more)
Education staff and interns meeting to prepare interpretive programs, February 2022
The Whole Spiel
Internships provide important opportunities for students to translate their educational insights into real-world projects. Opportunities to participate in the development… (Read more)
Photo of a Congressional staffer's I.D. badge from the 1972 Republican presidential convention (detail). Capital Jewish Museum, Gift of Ricki Gerger
The Whole Spiel
Being from Houston, Texas, I didn’t grow up with much concern about history. After all, when a building was about… (Read more)
Back cover of a Trees and Life for Vietnam brochure. Capital Jewish Museum, Mike Tabor Collection
The Whole Spiel
Every year on the Jewish holiday of Tu B’shvat (the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat, which fell… (Read more)
Scale Model of the Historic 1876 Synagogue, ca. 1968. Capital Jewish Museum Collection
The Whole Spiel
In 1967, DC’s Jewish community rallied together to relocate and save the historic 1876 Adas Israel synagogue. Over the next… (Read more)
Storytime among the sukkot at Sukkah City x DC community day, Sep 2021
The Whole Spiel
Sukkah City x DC‘s Community Day, on Sunday, September 19, featured more than ten community partners, two artists, seven participating… (Read more)
Avi West, circa 2019. Copyright Washington Jewish Week
The Whole Spiel
This summer (2021), we lost a special advisor to the museum, Avi West, a generous and respected educator in the… (Read more)
Stuart Zuckerman, Adam Rubinson, Howard Morse, Albert H. Small, Jr., Ernie Marcus, and Albert H. Small at the 2016 moving of the historic synagogue. Photo Credit: Ron Sachs / CNP. Copyright Capital Jewish Museum
The Whole Spiel
Please join us in extending condolences to the family of Albert H. Small (1925-2021), son of the museum’s namesakes Lillian… (Read more)
The Whole Spiel
Sukkah City x DC features imaginative and expressive structures that highlight key social justice themes of housing insecurity, displacement, and… (Read more)