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The Whole Spiel

Welcome Brady Daniller, Director of Operations

December 6, 2023

Brady Daniller, a Maryland native, comes to the Museum from the National Museum of American Jewish Heritage with experience in both visitor services and retail operations. As the Director of Operations, Brady oversees the event rental program, visitor services, security, retail operations, and more.

What is your guiding philosophy for the visitor experience?
All visitors should feel welcome and encouraged to engage with the collection, sharing their thoughts and feelings on the artifacts and exhibitions presented. The Museum focuses on the DC Jewish community. Visitors should feel a part of that community – local, Jewish, or not!

What do you find most rewarding about managing operations for the Capital Jewish Museum?
Managing operations allows me to interact regularly with Museum guests, hearing their impressions of the Museum and the wonderful memories it evokes. It is so exciting to hear the connections our visitors draw between their lives and the artifacts in the collection.

Are there any special hidden corners/out of the way nooks that visitors might miss when visiting the Musuem?
Not so hidden, but I have to plug the Gewirz Museum Shop, where you can find amazing gifts for Hanukkah and year-round, as well as beautiful ceremonial Judaica.

What is your favorite story or artifact in the Museum’s collections or exhibitions?
The Sanctuary is an amazing space. You can sit in the original pews in a place of worship built almost 150 years ago! In that space, I reflect on the values held and the issues facing the Jewish community then, and how they compare with our community today.

Bagel or Jelly Donut?
One of each, please! (Except on Passover.)

Brady Daniller