The Whole Spiel
Why I Love What I Do
In a recent exhibition research conversation with a key local and international leader from the Greater Washington Jewish community, I was reminded of the word Kehilla (community). Kehillah… (Read more)
The Whole Spiel
In a recent exhibition research conversation with a key local and international leader from the Greater Washington Jewish community, I was reminded of the word Kehilla (community). Kehillah… (Read more)
The Whole Spiel
I have to admit, I was skeptical. It was March 13, and the world was shutting down around us. After nearly… (Read more)
The Whole Spiel In the spring of 1968, a now-familiar scene befell the city of Washington. In the aftermath of the assassination of MLK… (Read more)
The Whole Spiel
I have been thinking this past week about what makes a collection. This question was sparked because our Museum Educator,… (Read more)
The Whole Spiel
Fourteen hundred days ago when I packed up my desk I thought it was for two weeks, a month at the most and I’m sure I’m… (Read more)
The Whole Spiel
The Capital Jewish Museum has started asking Jewish Washingtonians to help us with Covid Collecting of digital items during this pandemic. These Jewish Washingtonians are creating… (Read more)
The Whole Spiel
I tie my Jewish identity to places. From where I grew up to places I’ve only heard stories of. From Lithuania… (Read more)
The Whole Spiel
This year marks the 25th anniversary of a pivotal time in my life when I was living in Israel as a college student and made a commitment to myself… (Read more)
The Whole Spiel
I just got an email saying our historic synagogue has a case of the COVID. Or at least, it’s been exposed. So its brick walls and pocked wood… (Read more)
The Whole Spiel
All around the globe, people of all traditions and walks of life are being advised to change their everyday routines… (Read more)