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The Whole Spiel

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"Jewish Creative Cooking: 200 years of Jewish Cooking in American" compiled by the Jewish Community Center of Greater Washington, 1975. Capital Jewish Museum collection. Gift of Lenore and Sol Gnatt

The Whole Spiel

The Origin of Honeyed Chicken

Join us at the Capital Jewish Food Festival for Michael Twitty’s analysis of the origin of a recipe drawn from… (Read more)

Photo of a woman's back, at a rally, with a large poster hanging from her backpack. Sign reads: "Jewish Rally for Abortion Justice / Mind Your Own Business." Washington, DC; May 2022

A protestor and their printed sign, "Mind Your Own Business," at the Jewish Rally for Abortion Justice, Washington, DC, May 17, 2022.

The Whole Spiel

Second Verse, Same as the First

My first abortion clinic escort job was in Madison, Wisconsin, where I grew up—my best friend’s mom was an abortion… (Read more)

Washington Hebrew Congregation's first confirmation class in 1901

Black and white photo of the earliest extant confirmation class featuring Rabbi Louis Stern surrounded by six students (four female and two male), 1901. / Courtesy of Washington Hebrew Congregation Collection

The Whole Spiel

Washington Hebrew Congregation: The Early Years

To mark the 170th anniversary of the founding of Washington’s first Jewish congregation, Washington Hebrew Congregation, their archivist wrote about… (Read more)

Promotional poster for Whitman-Walker Clinic's safe sex campaign featuring photography by Lloyd Wolf. Gift of Lloyd Wolf. Capital Jewish Museum collection.

The Whole Spiel

Let’s Talk About Sex

It’s probably not true that all museum curators think about sex all the time (at least not at work). However,… (Read more)

Excerpt of a photo of a typed recipe.

Detail of Sally Walzer's letter with recipe to her daughter, c. 1974. Photo courtesy of the Leavitt family.

The Whole Spiel

A Fishy Story 

After two years of Zoom Passover, it was a delight to gather—after double-boosting and rapid-testing—for a family Seder (traditional ceremonial… (Read more)

Book cover for Foer's "I Want You to Know We're Still Here" and features a black and white photo of a smiling young woman holding a young child.

The Whole Spiel

Ukrainian Connections

Ukraine, where my family lived for generations and where most of them were murdered, is in its fight for survival…. (Read more)

Two educators and two interns are collaboratively working at a large table in the museum's temporary offices, Spring 2022.

Education staff and interns meeting to prepare interpretive programs, February 2022

The Whole Spiel

Spring 2022 Education Internship Projects 

Internships provide important opportunities for students to translate their educational insights into real-world projects. Opportunities to participate in the development… (Read more)

Photo of a Congressional staffer's I.D. badge from the 1972 Republican presidential convention.

Photo of a Congressional staffer's I.D. badge from the 1972 Republican presidential convention (detail). Capital Jewish Museum, Gift of Ricki Gerger

The Whole Spiel

Transplants Welcome

Being from Houston, Texas, I didn’t grow up with much concern about history. After all, when a building was about… (Read more)

Back cover of a Trees and Life for Vietnam brochure. Capital Jewish Museum, Mike Tabor Collection

Back cover of a Trees and Life for Vietnam brochure. Capital Jewish Museum, Mike Tabor Collection

The Whole Spiel

Collection Highlight: Trees and Life for Vietnam

Every year on the Jewish holiday of Tu B’shvat (the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat, which fell… (Read more)

Scale Model of the Historic 1876 Synagogue, ca. 1968. Capital Jewish Museum Collection

Scale Model of the Historic 1876 Synagogue, ca. 1968. Capital Jewish Museum Collection

The Whole Spiel

Small Scale Restoration

In 1967, DC’s Jewish community rallied together to relocate and save the historic 1876 Adas Israel synagogue. Over the next… (Read more)